그룹으로서 종합적인 역량이 요구되는 현재의 경영황경에서 경영자산의 하나인 세계화와 다양성을 한층 발휘하는 자율적인 조직풍토를 숙성하기위해 국경과 기업의 경계를 초월하여 공유하는 가치관을 TOPCON WAY로 정의하고 명확히 하였습니다.

경영 이념

-Corporate Identity-
Topcon contributes to enrich human life by solving the societal challenges within healthcare, agriculture and infrastructure.
-Management Policy-
Topcon contributes to enrich human life by solving the societal challenges within
healthcare, agriculture and infrastructure.
-Management Policy-
Topcon focuses on leading-edge technology
to provide new value through innovation and manufacturing.
Topcon respects diversity and acts as a global company.
Topcon places the utmost priority on compliance
and continues to be a trustworthy partner to all stakeholders.
75-1, Hasunuma-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, 174-8580, Japan
TEL : +81-3-3558-2642, FAX : +81-3-5392-4992
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